Modul:Wikidata2: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
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K (1 Version von wikivoyage:Modul:Wikidata2 importiert) |
Aktuelle Version vom 23. Januar 2023, 11:43 Uhr
Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Wikidata2/doc erstellt werden
local check = require('Modul:Check2') local yesno = require('Modul:Yesno') local languages = require('Modul:Languages') local cfgI18 = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/i18n') local cfgParams = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/Params') local cfgDelimiters = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/Delimiters') local cfgFormats = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/Formats') local cfgPOITypes = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/POITypes') local cfgGeography = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/Geography') local cfgUnits = mw.loadData('Modul:Wikidata2/Units') local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() -- Auswertung und Prüfung von übergebenen Parametern local function wdGetParameter ( Frame, Params, Parameter ) local argsParent = Frame:getParent().args local argsFrame = Frame.args for key,value in pairs ( argsParent ) do argsParent[string.lower(key)] = value end for key,value in pairs ( argsFrame ) do argsParent[string.lower(key)] = value end return argsParent[Parameter] or argsFrame[Parameter] or Params[Parameter] end local function getEntityId () local pageID = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() local result = {} if ( pageID ~= nil ) then result = { ["id"] = pageID, ["hasID"] = true, ["errCode"] = 1, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getEntityId"]["1"] } else result = { ["id"] = "", ["hasID"] = false, ["errCode"] = 0, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getEntityId"]["0"] } end return result end local wdEntityId = getEntityId() local wdErrCategory = '' local wd = {} function wd.formatNumberT ( number ) local decimalPosition = mw.ustring.find( number, ".", 1, true) local minus = mw.ustring.find( number, "-", 1, true) number = mw.ustring.gsub ( number, '%.', ',' ) if ( minus ) then number = mw.ustring.sub( number, 2) end if (not decimalPosition) then decimalPosition = mw.ustring.len ( number ) + 1; end if (decimalPosition > 4 ) then local i = decimalPosition - 3; while (i > 1) do number = mw.ustring.sub(number, 1, i - 1) .. '.' .. mw.ustring.sub( number, i ); decimalPosition = decimalPosition + 1; i = i - 3; end end if ( minus ) then number = '−' .. number end return number; end function wd.getLabel ( id ) if ( id == nil or id == "" or id == "self" ) then if ( wdEntityId.hasID ) then id = else return { ["label"] = '', ["errCode"] = 2, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getLabel"]["2"] } end end local result = {} local label = mw.wikibase.label ( id ) if ( label ~= nil ) then result = { ["label"] = label, ["errCode"] = 1, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getLabel"]["1"] } else result = { ["label"] = "", ["errCode"] = 2, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getLabel"]["2"] } end return result end function wd.getLabelLang ( id, lang ) if ( id == nil or id == "" or id == "self" ) then if ( wdEntityId.hasID ) then id = else return { ["label"] = "", ["errCode"] = 2, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getLabelLang"]["2"] } end end local result = {} local entityLabel = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang( id, lang ) if ( entityLabel ~= nil ) then result = { ["label"] = entityLabel, ["errCode"] = 1, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getLabelLang"]["1"] } else result = { ["label"] = "", ["errCode"] = 0, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getLabelLang"]["0"] } end return result end function wd.getSiteLink ( id, wiki ) if ( wiki == nil ) then wiki = 'dewikivoyage' end if ( id == nil or id == "" or id == "self" ) then if ( wdEntityId.hasID ) then id = else return { ["sitelink"] = '', ["errCode"] = 2, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getSiteLink"]["2"] } end end local result = {} local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink ( id, wiki ) if ( sitelink == nil ) then result = { ["sitelink"] = '', ["errCode"] = 0, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getSiteLink"]["0"] } else result = { ["sitelink"] = sitelink, ["errCode"] = 1, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getSiteLink"]["1"] } end return result end -- zählt die Einträge einer Eigenschaft function wd.getPropertyCount ( claim ) return #claim end function wd.getBestStatement ( id, property ) if ( id == nil or id == "" or id == "self" ) then if ( wdEntityId.hasID ) then id = else return { ["statement"] = {}, ["errCode"] = 2, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getStatement"]["2"], ["count"] = 0 } end end local result = {} local statement = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( id, property ) if ( next(statement) == nil ) then result = { ["statement"] = {}, ["errCode"] = 0, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getStatement"]["0"], ["count"] = 0 } else result = { ["statement"] = statement, ["errCode"] = 1, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getStatement"]["1"], ["count"] = wd.getPropertyCount ( statement ) } end return result end function wd.getStatementAll ( id, property ) if ( id == nil or id == "" or id == "self" ) then if ( wdEntityId.hasID ) then id = else return { ["statement"] = {}, ["errCode"] = 2, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getStatement"]["2"], ["count"] = 0 } end end local result = {} local statement = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements( id, property ) if ( next(statement) == nil ) then result = { ["statement"] = {}, ["errCode"] = 0, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getStatement"]["0"], ["count"] = 0 } else result = { ["statement"] = statement, ["errCode"] = 1, ["errMsg"] = cfgI18["getStatement"]["1"], ["count"] = wd.getPropertyCount ( statement ) } end return result end function wd.getPlainWikidataId (id) if (( id == nil or id == "" or id == "self" ) and wdEntityId.hasID) then return else return id end end function wd.getWikidataLink (id, property) local uri = 'wikidata:' .. wd.getPlainWikidataId(id) if (property ~= nil) then uri = uri .. '#' .. property end return uri end function wd.Entity () return wdEntityId end function wd.EntityId () return end function wd.hasEntity () return wdEntityId.hasID end function wd.EntityIdErrCode () return wdEntityId.errCode end function wd.EntityIdErrText () return wdEntityId.errMsg end function wd.Label () return wd.getLabel().label end function wd.getQualifier ( property, qualifier, formatting, delimiter ) local formatString = formatting or '' local delimiterString = delimiter or ',' local result = { ["errCode"] = 0, ["errText"] = '', ["qualifier"] = '' } local wdValue if property.qualifiers ~= nil then if property.qualifiers[qualifier] ~= nil then local out = {} for k,v in pairs(property.qualifiers[qualifier]) do if ( v.datavalue.type == 'time' ) then wdValue = v.datavalue.value.time -- Workaround für Timestamps, die nur ein Jahr repräsentieren wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( wdValue, '%-00%-00T00:00:00Z', '-01-01T00:00:00Z' ) if ( formatString ~= '' ) then wdValue = lang:formatDate ( formatString, wdValue ) end out[#out + 1] = wdValue end if ( v.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' ) then wdValue = out[#out + 1] = wdValue end end result.errCode = 1 result.errText = cfgI18["getQualifier"]["1"] result.qualifier = table.concat(out, delimiterString) else result.errText = cfgI18["getQualifier"]["0"] end else result.errText = cfgI18["getQualifier"]["0"] end return result end function wd.getLangQualifier ( property ) local result = '' if property.qualifiers ~= nil then if property.qualifiers.P407 ~= nil then if property.qualifiers.P407[1] ~= nil then if property.qualifiers.P407[1].datavalue ~= nil then if property.qualifiers.P407[1].datavalue.value ~= nil then if property.qualifiers.P407[1] ~= nil then local langID = property.qualifiers.P407[1] result = languages.id2code[langID] or 'no_lang' if languages.id2code[langID] == nil then wdErrCategory = wdErrCategory .. '[[Kategorie:Wikidata:Unbekannter Sprachcode]]' end else result = 'no_lang' end else result = 'no_lang' end else result = 'no_lang' end else result = 'no_lang' end else result = 'no_lang' end else result = 'no_lang' end return result end -- helper function round -- n: value to round -- idp: number of digits after the decimal point local function round( n, idp ) local m = 10^( idp or 0 ) if n >= 0 then return math.floor( n * m + 0.5 ) / m else return math.ceil( n * m - 0.5 ) / m end end function wd.getProperty ( claim, formatting, showRanking, label, parameters ) if ( claim[1] ~= nil ) then if ( claim[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' ) then return '' end local wdValue = '' local unit local delimiter = cfgDelimiters[claim[1]] if ( delimiter == nil ) then delimiter = cfgDelimiters["default"] end if ( formatting == nil ) then formatting = 'default' end local formatString = cfgFormats[formatting] or cfgFormats["default"] local formatStringParameters = mw.ustring.match ( formatString, '//.-#' ) if ( formatStringParameters ~= nil ) then formatString = string.sub ( formatString, 1 , string.find ( formatString, formatStringParameters ) - 1 ) .. '#' end local qualifierParameters = mw.ustring.match ( formatString, '#QUALIFIER:.-#' ) or '' local qualifierParameter = mw.ustring.gsub( qualifierParameters, '#QUALIFIER:(.-):(.-)#', '%1' ) or '' local qualifierFormat = mw.ustring.gsub( qualifierParameters, '#QUALIFIER:(.-):(.-)#', '%2' ) or '' local qualifierResult = {} if ( showRanking == nil ) then showRanking = false end if ( label == nil ) then label = wd.getLabel().label end local out = {} if ( claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'wikibase-item' ) then for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do wdValue = wd.getLabel( ).label if ( wdValue == '' ) then wdValue = wd.getLabelLang(, 'en' ).label end if ( formatStringParameters ~= nil ) then local tmpFormatStringParameters = string.sub ( formatStringParameters, 3 ) if ( string.sub ( tmpFormatStringParameters, 1, 9 ) == 'sitelink:' ) then local interwiki = string.sub ( tmpFormatStringParameters, 10 ) interwiki = mw.ustring.gsub( interwiki, '#', '' ) if ( interwiki ~= 'no' ) then local Link = wd.getSiteLink (, interwiki ) if ( Link.errCode == 1 ) then if ( interwiki == 'dewiki' ) then wdValue = '[[w:' .. Link.sitelink .. '|' .. wdValue .. ']]' elseif ( interwiki == 'dewikivoyage' ) then wdValue = '[[' .. Link.sitelink .. '|' .. Link.sitelink:gsub ( '%(.*%)', '' ) .. ']]' end end end end else local deLink = wd.getSiteLink ( ) if ( deLink.errCode == 1 ) then wdValue = '[[' .. deLink.sitelink .. '|' .. wdValue .. ']]' end end wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#ID#', ), '#LABEL#', label ), '#PROPERTY#', wdValue ) if showRanking then out[#out + 1] = '<span class="wd-rank-' .. v.rank .. '">' .. wdValue .. '</span>' else out[#out + 1] = wdValue end end elseif ( claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'commonsMedia' ) then for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do wdValue = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY#', wdValue ) out[#out + 1] = wdValue end elseif ( claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'quantity' ) then for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do if v.mainsnak.datavalue then unit = cfgUnits[ v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.unit:gsub( 'https?://', '' ) ] or '' wdValue = tonumber( v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount ) if unit ~= '' then if unit.factor ~= 1 then wdValue = round( wdValue * unit.factor, 1 ) end unit = end wdValue = tostring ( wdValue ) wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#FORMAT:T#', wd.formatNumberT ( wdValue ) ), '#PROPERTY#', wdValue ) if ( qualifierParameters ~= '' ) then qualifierResult = wd.getQualifier ( v, qualifierParameter, qualifierFormat ) wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( wdValue, qualifierParameters, qualifierResult.qualifier ) end wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( wdValue, '#UNIT#', unit ) if showRanking then out[#out + 1] = '<span class="wd-rank-' .. v.rank .. '">' .. wdValue .. '</span>' else out[#out + 1] = wdValue end end end elseif ( claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'globe-coordinate' ) then local lat = '' local long = '' local precision = '' for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do lat = tonumber ( v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude ) long = tonumber ( v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.longitude ) precision = tonumber ( v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision ) wdValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#LAT#', lat ), '#LONG#', long ), '#PRECISION#', precision ) if showRanking then out[#out + 1] = '<span class="wd-rank-' .. v.rank .. '">' .. wdValue .. '</span>' else out[#out + 1] = wdValue end end elseif ( claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'url' ) then if ( claim[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil ) then local qualifierLang = mw.ustring.match ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG:.-#' ) or '' local qualifierLangPlus = mw.ustring.match ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG%+:.-#' ) or '' if ( qualifierLang ~= '' ) then local qLang = string.lower ( mw.ustring.gsub( qualifierLang, '#PROPERTY:LANG:(.-)#', '%1' ) ) or '' local urlList = {} local langCode = '' for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do langCode = wd.getLangQualifier(v) urlList[langCode] = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG:(.-)#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) if ( ( langCode ~= qLang ) and ( langCode ~= 'en' ) and ( langCode ~= 'no_lang' ) ) then urlList['xxx'] = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG:(.-)#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) end end out[#out + 1] = urlList[qLang] or urlList['en'] or urlList['xxx'] or urlList['no_lang'] elseif ( qualifierLangPlus ~= '' ) then local qLang = string.lower ( mw.ustring.gsub( qualifierLangPlus, '#PROPERTY:LANG%+:(.-)#', '%1' ) ) or '' local urlList = {} local langCode = '' for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do langCode = wd.getLangQualifier(v) if ( ( langCode == 'no_lang' ) or ( langCode == qLang ) ) then urlList[langCode] = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG%+:(.-)#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) else urlList[langCode] = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG%+:(.-)#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) .. ' (' .. langCode .. ')' if ( ( langCode ~= qLang ) and ( langCode ~= 'en' ) ) then urlList['xxx'] = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY:LANG%+:(.-)#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) .. ' (' .. langCode .. ')' end end end out[#out + 1] = urlList[qLang] or urlList['en'] or urlList['xxx'] or urlList['no_lang'] else for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do out[#out + 1] = mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ), '#PROPERTY_NO_HTTP#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value:gsub ( 'https?://', '' ) ), '#LABEL#', label ) end end else out[#out + 1] = '<em>Wert auf Wikidata fehlt.</em>' end elseif ( claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'string' or claim[1].mainsnak.datatype == 'external-id' ) then for k,v in pairs ( claim ) do out[#out + 1] = mw.ustring.gsub ( formatString, '#PROPERTY#', v.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) end end local propertyValue = table.concat(out, delimiter) if ( parameters ~= nil ) then for k,v in pairs ( parameters ) do propertyValue = mw.ustring.gsub ( propertyValue , '#PARAMETER' .. k .. '#', v ) end end return propertyValue else return '' end end -- Funktionen für spezielle Properties zur Verwendung in anderen Modulen function wd.getDomain ( id ) local result = wd.getBestStatement ( id, 'P17' ) if ( result.errCode == 1 ) then if ( result.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil ) then local country = result.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["id"] result = wd.getBestStatement ( country, 'P78' ) if ( result.errCode == 1 ) then if ( result.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil ) then return mw.wikibase.label ( result.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["id"] ) or '' else return '' end else return '' end else return '' end else return '' end end function wd.getCoordinates ( id ) local item = wd.getBestStatement ( id, 'P625' ) local result = { ["errCode"] = 0, ["lat"] = 0, ["long"] = 0, ["precision"] = 0 } result.errCode = item.errCode if ( item.errCode == 1 ) then = tonumber ( item.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude ) result.long = tonumber ( item.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.longitude ) result.precision = tonumber ( item.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision ) end return result end function wd.getProvince ( id ) local newSearch = true local provinceID = id local provinceLabelID = '' local labelProvince = wd.getLabel().label local labelProvinceLink = '' local labelProvinceLabel = '' local isAn = {} local result = { ["errCode"] = 0, ["errTxt"] = '', ["errTxtShort"] = '', ["provinceID"] = '', ["provinceCode"] = '', ["province"] = '', ["provinceLink"] = '', ["provinceLabel"] = 'Provinz' } local item = wd.getBestStatement ( id, 'P131' ) result.errCode = item.errCode while newSearch do if ( item.errCode == 1 and item.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil ) then provinceID = 'Q' .. item.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] -- Prüfung ob das or irgendwann mal wieder auf das originale Objekt verwiesen wird (Schleife) if ( provinceID == id ) then result.errCode = 4 result.errTxt = cfgI18["getProvince"]["4"] result.errTxtShort = '[[:wikidata:' .. id .. '|' .. labelProvince .. ']] bildet eine Schleife (Selbstreferenz). [[Kategorie:Artikel mit selbstreferenzierenden Verwaltungseinheiten]]' newSearch = false else isAn = wd.getBestStatement ( provinceID, 'P31' ) if ( isAn.errCode == 1 ) then provinceLabelID = 'Q' .. isAn.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] labelProvince = wd.getLabel ( provinceID ).label labelProvinceLabel = wd.getLabel ( provinceLabelID ).label if ( cfgGeography["provinces"][provinceLabelID] ) then result.errCode = 1 result.errTxt = cfgI18["getProvince"]["1"] result.provinceID = provinceID result.province = labelProvince local itemCode = wd.getBestStatement ( provinceID, 'P300' ) if ( itemCode.errCode == 1 and itemCode.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil ) then result.provinceCode = wd.getProperty ( itemCode.statement ) end labelProvinceLink = wd.getSiteLink ( provinceID ).sitelink if ( labelProvinceLink == '' ) then result.provinceLink = labelProvince else result.provinceLink = '[[' .. labelProvinceLink .. '|' .. mw.ustring.gsub( labelProvinceLink, '%s%(.*%)', '' ) .. ']]' end -- derzeit eigenes Label. Wenn Wikidata gewünscht: labelProvinceLabel benutzen result.provinceLabel = cfgGeography["provinces"][provinceLabelID] newSearch = false if ( cfgGeography["countries"][provinceLabelID] ) then result.errTxtShort = result.errTxtShort .. 'Provinzsuche endet beim Staat[[Kategorie:Artikel mit unbekannter Verwaltungseinheit auf Wikidata]]' end else item = wd.getBestStatement ( provinceID, 'P131' ) end else result.errCode = 2 result.errTxt = cfgI18["getProvince"]["2"] .. wd.getLabel ( provinceID ).label result.errTxtShort = 'Verwaltungseinheit [[:wikidata:' .. provinceID .. '|' .. provinceID .. ']] hat kein <em>ist ein(e)</em>[[Kategorie:Artikel mit unbekannter Verwaltungseinheit auf Wikidata]]' newSearch = false end end else if ( provinceID == 'self' ) then provinceID = wd.EntityId() end result.errCode = 0 result.errTxt = cfgI18["getProvince"]["0"] result.errTxtShort = '[[:wikidata:' .. provinceID .. '|' .. labelProvince .. ']] hat keine übergeordnete Region.[[Kategorie:Artikel ohne übergeordnete Verwaltungseinheit auf Wikidata]]' newSearch = false end end return result end -- Funktionen zur Verwendung in Vorlagen function wd.LabelByID ( frame ) local display = '' local errorStr = '' local id = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["LabelByID"], "id" ) local result = wd.getLabel(id) display = result.label if ( result.errCode ~= 1 ) then errorStr = errorStr .. check._error ( 'Funktion <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style:italic">LabelByID</span>: ' .. result.errMsg .. "ID: " .. id, 'Wikidata2' ) end return errorStr .. check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["LabelByID"], 'Wikidata2', 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.LabelLang ( frame ) local display = '' local lang= wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["LabelLang"], "lang" ) local result = wd.getLabelLang ( 'self', lang ) if ( result.label ~= nil ) then display = result.label end return check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["LabelLang"], "Wikidata2", 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.LabelLangByID ( frame ) local display = '' local id= wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["LabelLang"], "id" ) local lang= wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["LabelLang"], "lang" ) local result = wd.getLabelLang ( id, lang ) if ( result.label ~= nil ) then display = result.label end return check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["LabelLangByID"], 'Wikidata2', 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.LabelLangByIDRaw ( id, lang ) return wd.getLabelLang ( id, lang ) end function wd.siteLink ( frame ) local display = '' local id = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["siteLink"], "id" ) local wiki= wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["siteLink"], "wiki" ) local result = wd.getSiteLink ( id, wiki ) if ( result.sitelink ~= nil ) then display = result.sitelink end return check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["siteLink"], "Wikidata2", 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.dumpEntity ( frame ) local vd = require('Modul:VarDump') local display = '' local id = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["dumpEntity"], "id" ) local property = mw.ustring.gsub ( wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["dumpEntity"], "p" ), 'p', 'P' ) if ( property == '' ) then display = display .. vd.dump ( mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id) ) else display = display .. vd.dump ( wd.getStatementAll ( id, property ).statement ) end return check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["dumpEntity"], "Wikidata2", 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.getValue ( frame ) local errorStr = '' local display = '' local category = '' local result = {} local id = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "id" ) if ( id == 'self' ) then id = end local property = mw.ustring.gsub ( wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "p" ), 'p', 'P' ) local category = '[[Kategorie:Seiten, die die Wikidata-Eigenschaft '.. property .. ' benutzen]]' local ranking = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "ranking" ) local formatting = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "format" ) if (formatting == '' ) then formatting = property end local showRanking = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "showRanking" ) if ( ranking == 'all' ) then result = wd.getStatementAll ( id, property ) else result = wd.getBestStatement ( id, property ) end if ( result.errCode == 1 ) then display = display .. wd.getProperty ( result.statement, formatting, yesno ( showRanking ), wd.getLabel(id).label ) else errorStr = errorStr .. check._error ( 'FEHLER (Code: ' .. result.errCode .. '): ' .. result.errMsg .. '(ID= ' .. id .. ', Property= ' .. property .. ')', 'Wikidata2' ) if ( result.errCode == 2 ) then display = display .. '[[Kategorie:Artikel ohne Objekt auf Wikidata]]' end end return category .. errorStr .. check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["getValue"], 'Wikidata2', 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.getPOIType ( frame ) local errorStr = '' local display = '' local poiType = '' local result = {} local id = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "id" ) result = wd.getBestStatement ( id, 'P31' ) if ( result.errCode == 0 ) then -- Property nicht befüllt > Standard display = display .. cfgPOITypes["default"] elseif ( result.errCode == 1 ) then -- was gefunden, ersten Eintrag holen, wenn nichts brauchbares da, dann Standard poiType = cfgPOITypes["Q" .. result.statement[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]] if ( poiType == nil ) then poiType = cfgPOITypes["default"] end display = display .. poiType else -- kein Objekt mit der ID vorhanden: Fehlermeldung und Standardtyp display = display .. cfgPOITypes["default"] errorStr = errorStr .. check._error ( 'FEHLER (Code: ' .. result.errCode .. '): ' .. result.errMsg .. '(ID= ' .. id .. ')', 'Wikidata2' ) .. '[[Kategorie:Artikel ohne Objekt auf Wikidata]]' end return errorStr .. check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["getPOIType"], 'Wikidata2', 'lower' ) .. display end function wd.getPOITypeDefault () return cfgPOITypes["default"] end function wd.getOfficialWebsite ( frame ) local display = '' local category = '' local result = {} local text = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "text" ) or '' local id = wdGetParameter ( frame, cfgParams["getValue"], "id" ) or wdEntityId local vd = require('Modul:VarDump') result = wd.getBestStatement ( id, 'P856' ) local i local url local statements if ( result.errCode == 0 ) then -- Property nicht befüllt > Standard display = 'Eine offizielle Webseite ist nicht bekannt.<span class="wd-tools-message-inline"> Bitte auf [[:wikidata:' .. .. '|Wikidata]] nachtragen.</span>[[Kategorie:Artikel ohne offizielle Webseite auf Wikidata]]' elseif ( result.errCode == 1 ) then -- was gefunden, ersten Eintrag holen, wenn nichts brauchbares da, dann Standard -- display = display .. wd.getProperty ( result.statement, 'P856-link+site' ) -- urls can contain percent signs category = category .. '[[Kategorie:Seiten, die die Wikidata-Eigenschaft P856 benutzen]]' display = wd.getProperty ( result.statement, 'P856-lang+:de' ) if ( text ~= '' ) then display = '<span class="wikidata-content">' .. display .. '</span>' .. ' – ' .. text else display = '<span class="wikidata-content">' .. display .. '</span>' .. ' – Offizielle Webseite von ' .. wd.getLabel(id).label end else -- kein Objekt mit der ID vorhanden: Fehlermeldung und Standardtyp display = 'Eine offizielle Webseite ist nicht bekannt.<span class="wd-tools-message-inline"> Objekt bitte auf [[:wikidata:Wikidata:Main Page|Wikidata]] nachtragen.</span>[[Kategorie:Artikel ohne Objekt auf Wikidata]]' end return category .. wdErrCategory .. check._testParams ( frame:getParent().args, cfgParams["getOfficialWebsite"], 'Wikidata2', 'lower' ) .. display end return wd