Modul:Marker: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
(require( 'strict' )) |
K (1 Version von wikivoyage:Modul:Marker importiert) |
Aktuelle Version vom 19. Januar 2023, 13:59 Uhr
Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Marker/doc erstellt werden
-- module variable and administration local mk = { moduleInterface = { suite = 'Marker', serial = '2022-10-22', item = 40852170 } } -- module import -- require( 'strict' ) local mi = require( 'Module:Marker utilities/i18n' ) local mu = require( 'Module:Marker utilities' ) local mp = require( 'Module:Marker/Params' ) local cm = require( 'Module:CountryData' ) local wu -- for Module:Wikidata utilities local function checkYn( keys, args ) local s for i, key in ipairs( keys ) do args[ key ] = args[ key ] or '' s = mu.yesno( args[ key ] ) if s then -- 'y' or 'n' args[ key ] = '' mp.wdContent[ key ] = s == 'y' elseif args[ key ] ~= '' then mp.wdContent[ key ] = false end end end local function initialParameterCheck( frame ) local entity = nil local wrongQualifier = false local show = {} -- checking keys and copying values to args local args = mu.checkArguments( frame:getParent().args, mp.p ) -- remove control characters local descrDiv for key, v in pairs( mp.p ) do if args[ key ] then args[ key ], descrDiv = mu.removeCtrls( args[ key ], true ) else args[ key ] = '' end end -- checking show and format parameters if mu.isSet( ) then show = mu.getShow( mp.defaultShow,, ) if show.noname then show.noname = nil = nil end if not show.poi and not show.coord then mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.showNoneUsed ) end else show.poi = true = true if args.format:match( mp.allowedFormats ) then = nil mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.poiMode ) elseif mu.isSet( args.format ) then mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.unknownFormat ) end end -- checking Wikidata entitity if args.wikidata ~= '' then wu = require( 'Module:Wikidata utilities' ) -- args.wikidata, entity, wrongQualifier = wu.getEntityId( args.wikidata or '' ) args.wikidata, entity, wrongQualifier = wu.getEntity( args.wikidata or '' ) if wrongQualifier then mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.wrongQualifier ) elseif args.wikidata ~= '' then mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.wikidata ) end -- treatment of social media services if args.wikidata ~= '' and show.socialmedia then for i, value in ipairs( mp.socialMedia ) do args[ value ] = 'y' end end end -- y/n allow/disallow output if not mu.isSet( args.nameLocal ) then args.nameLocal = 'n' end checkYn( mp.ynCheckList, args ) args.noGpx = mu.yesno( args.noGpx ) == 'y' args.zoom = math.floor( tonumber( args.zoom ) or mi.defaultZoomLevel ) if args.zoom < 0 or args.zoom > mi.maxZoomLevel then args.zoom = mi.defaultZoomLevel end -- checking coordinates and converting DMS to decimal coordinates if necessary mu.checkCoordinates( args ) -- remove namespace from category mu.checkCommonsCategory( args ) for i, param in ipairs( mi.maintenance.parameters ) do if mu.isSet( args[ param ] ) then mu.addMaintenance( mw.ustring.format( mi.maintenance.parameterUsed, param ) ) end end if mu.isSet( args.styles ) then args.styles = mi.nameStyles[ args.styles:lower() ] or args.styles else args.styles = nil end return args, entity, show end -- getting data from Wikidata local function getDataFromWikidata( args, show, page, country, entity ) if args.wikidata == '' then return end if args.type == '' then local p31 = wu.getValues( entity,, mi.p31Limit ) args.type = mu.typeSearch( p31, entity ) end args.nameLocal = mp.wdContent.nameLocal or args.nameLocal mu.getNamesFromWikidata( args, mp.wdContent, page, country, entity ) mu.getCoordinatesFromWikidata( args, mp.wdContent, entity ) mu.getCommonsCategory( args, entity ) if then mu.getArticleLink( args, entity, page ) end -- getting more values from Wikidata local c for key, value in pairs( mp.wdContent ) do if not args[ key ] or args[ key ] == '' then if key == 'image' or key == 'rss' then args[ key ] = wu.getValue( entity, mp.wd[ key ].p ) elseif value and mp.wd[ key ] and then c = tonumber( mp.wd[ key ].c ) or 1 c = wu.getValues( entity, mp.wd[ key ].p, c ) args[ key ] = table.concat( c, ', ' ) if args[ key ] ~= '' and mp.wd[ key ].f then args[ key ] = mw.ustring.format( mp.wd[ key ].f, args[ key ] ) end end mp.wdContent[ key ] = args[ key ] ~= '' end end end local function finalParameterCheck( args, show, country, entity ) -- coordinates are neccessary show.noCoord = == '' or args.long == '' if show.noCoord then = '' show.poi = false show.coord = false mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.missingCoord ) end -- image check if not mp.wdContent.image or mi.options.WDmediaCheck then mu.checkImage( args, entity ) end -- status check mu.checkStatus( args ) -- getting Marker type and group mu.checkTypeAndGroup( args ) if mi.options.useTypeCateg and args.typeTable then for i, tp in ipairs( args.typeTable ) do mu.addMaintenance( mw.ustring.format( mi.maintenance.type, tp ) ) end end -- url check mu.checkUrl( args ) -- checking name existence, splitting name and link from [[link|name]] if == '' then = mi.maintenance.missingName mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.missingNameMsg ) end if '<', 1, true ) or '{{', 1, true ) or args.alt:find( '<', 1, true ) or args.alt:find( '{{', 1, true ) then mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.malformedName ) end mu.removeStars( args, { 'alt', 'nameExtra' } ) args.givenName = mu.getName( args.alt, args.wikiPage ) args.displayName = mu.getName(, args.wikiPage ) if not args.givenName.exists then args.givenName = args.displayName end if args.nameLocal ~= '' and == args.nameLocal then args.nameLocal = '' end end -- distinguishing marker symbols, default: number local function makeMarkerProperties( args, show ) args.useIcon = false -- true: add pushpin symbol args.symbol = args.symbol:lower() if args.symbol == '' and show.poi and show.symbol then args.symbol = mu.getMakiIconName( args.type ) or '' end if args.symbol == '' or args.symbol == 'number' then args.symbol = '-number-' .. elseif args.symbol == 'letter' then args.symbol = '-letter-' .. elseif args.symbol:len() == 1 and args.symbol:match( '%w' ) then args.text = args.symbol:upper() mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.numberUsed ) elseif args.symbol ~= '' and args.text == '' and mu.getMaki( args.symbol ) then -- check if MAKI icon is available local m = mu.getMaki( args.symbol ) if m and mu.isSet( ) then args.text = mw.ustring.format( '[[File:%s|x14px|link=|class=noviewer]]', ) else -- fallback if no image is available args.text = args.symbol:sub( 1, 1 ):upper() args.useIcon = true end elseif args.symbol ~= '' and not mu.getMaki( args.symbol ) then args.symbol = 'cross' = 'error' args.text = mi.maintenance.closeX mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.unknownIcon ) end mu.getColor( args ) end local function makeName( result, args, show, page, country ) local tag if args.displayName.all ~= '' or args.nameExtra ~= '' or args.nameLocal ~= '' then local s, t if args.url ~= '' and args.displayName.pageTitle == '' then s = '[' .. args.url .. ' ' .. mu.replaceBrackets( ) .. ']' else s = args.displayName.all end if args.nameExtra ~= '' then s = s .. ' ' .. args.nameExtra end -- supporting right-to-left wikis if s ~= '' then t = mw.uri.anchorEncode( ):gsub( '&', '&' ) :gsub( ''', "'" ) tag = mw.html.create( 'bdi' ) :attr( 'id', 'vCard_' .. t ) :attr( 'class', 'p-name fn org listing-name' .. mu.addWdClass( ) ) :cssText( args.styles ) :wikitext( s ) if not show.noCoord and not show.poi and not show.coord then tag:addClass( 'listing-without-marker' ) end table.insert( result, tostring( tag ) ) end if args.nameLocal ~= '' then tag = mu.languageSpan( args.nameLocal, mi.texts.hintName, page, country, 'listing-name-local' .. mu.addWdClass( mp.wdContent.nameLocal ) ) table.insert( result, tag ) end if args.url ~= '' and args.displayName.pageTitle ~= '' then -- both article and web links tag = mu.addLinkIcon( 'listing-url', args.url, mi.iconTitles.internet, 'internet' ) table.insert( result, tag ) end elseif args.url ~= '' then tag = mw.html.create( 'span' ) :addClass( 'listing-url' ) :wikitext( '[' .. args.url .. ']' ) table.insert( result, tostring( tag ) ) end end local function makeNameAndAdditions( result, args, show, page, country, entity ) local s = '' local rMarker = {} -- adding name, airport code and sister-project icons if then makeName( rMarker, args, show, page, country ) s = table.concat( rMarker, ' ' ) local icons = {} local onlyWikidata = mi.options.showSisters and mu.makeSisterIcons( icons, args, page, country, entity ) mu.makeSocial( icons, args, mp.wdContent, ) if #icons > 0 then s = s .. ( onlyWikidata and '' or ' ' ) .. table.concat( icons, '' ) end mu.tableInsert( result, s ) -- adding airport code and coordinate if requested and available s = {} if not show.noairport and args.type == mi.airportType then mu.tableInsert( s, mu.makeAirport( args, mp.wdContent ) ) end if show.coord then table.insert( s, mu.dmsCoordinates(, args.long,,, country.extra ) ) end if #s > 0 then s = '<span class="listing-parenthesis">(</span>' .. table.concat( s, '<span class="listing-delimiter">, ​</span>' ) .. '<span class="listing-parenthesis">)</span>' table.insert( result, s ) end -- adding coordinate only elseif show.coord then table.insert( result, mu.dmsCoordinates(, args.long,,, country.extra ) ) end end -- main marker function function mk.marker( frame ) mu.initMaintenance( mi.moduleNames.marker ) local page = mu.getPageData() -- copying frame:getParent().args to template arguments, args, parameter check -- returning Wikidata entity and display options local args, mkEntity, show = initialParameterCheck( frame ) show.inline = true -- get country-specific technical parameters local country = cm.getCountryData( mkEntity, nil, ) if country.unknownCountry then mu.addMaintenance( mi.maintenance.unknownCountry ) end -- for map support country.extra = mi.defaultSiteType if country.iso_3166 and country.iso_3166 ~= '' then country.extra = country.extra .. '_region:' .. country.iso_3166 end -- add additional parameters -- associated Wikivoyage page of the location in current Wikivoyage branch -- possibly modified by mu.getArticleLink() args.wikiPage = '' getDataFromWikidata( args, show, page, country, mkEntity ) if args.commonscat ~= '' then args.commonscat = args.commonscat:gsub( ' ', '_' ) end -- parameter check after data import from Wikidata finalParameterCheck( args, show, country, mkEntity ) -- generating output local result = {} -- output string table, wrapper is added later -- adding status icons mu.tableInsert( result, mu.makeStatusIcons( args ) ) -- adding marker symbol makeMarkerProperties( args, show ) mu.setCopyMarker( args, show ) if show.poi or mu.isSet( args.copyMarker ) then table.insert( result, mu.makeMarkerSymbol( args, args.givenName.all, frame ) ) end makeNameAndAdditions( result, args, show, page, country, mkEntity ) result = mu.makeWrapper( result, args, page, country, show, mp.markerData, 'Marker', frame ) local ns = page.namespace if ns ~= 4 and ns ~= 10 and ns ~= 828 then result = result .. mu.getMaintenance() if mi.options.usePropertyCateg then local m = -- format string result = result .. ( wu and wu.getCategories( m ) or '' ) .. mu.getCategories( m ) .. cm.getCategories( m ) end end return result end return mk