Vorlage:Dokumentation Links auf Vorlagen/Übersicht

< Vorlage:Dokumentation Links auf Vorlagen
Version vom 19. November 2012, 16:19 Uhr von imported>John of Reading (rv previous edit, also removed colon for consistency with other headings)
Template linking templates
Link Style Linked Unlinked Linked with subst Linked including braces Linked with alternative text
Text Style {{tlg}} option -- nolink=yes subst=yes braceinside=yes alttext=FOO
Normal -- {{tl}}, {{tlp}}; {{tlg}} {{tlf}} {{tls}}, {{tlsp}} {{tn}} {{tla}}
Teletype tt=yes {{tlx}} {{tld}}, {{tnull}} {{tlxs}}
Bold bold=yes {{tlb}}
Bold Teletype bold=yes|tt=yes {{tlxb}}
Italic Teletype italic=yes|tt=yes {{tlxi}}
Code code=yes {{tlc}}
NOTE: {{tlg}} is the most general, allowing any combination of the above options.

Style comparison:

  • {{tlf|Milford Haven Line|弘安源氏論議}} produces: {{Milford Haven Line|弘安源氏論議}}
  • {{tld|Milford Haven Line|弘安源氏論議}} produces: {{Milford Haven Line|弘安源氏論議}}
  • {{tlc|Milford Haven Line|弘安源氏論議}} produces: {{Milford Haven Line|弘安源氏論議}}

For parameter description,

  • {{para|<var>name</var>|value}} renders: |name=value
