Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Hours/doc erstellt werden
-- getting opening hours from Wikidata -- module variable and administration local hr = { moduleInterface = { suite = 'Hours', serial = '2022-10-22', item = 99600452 }, labelTable = nil } -- module import -- require( 'strict' ) local hi = require( 'Module:Hours/i18n' ) local wu = require( 'Module:Wikidata utilities' ) -- local variables local categIds = {} local showOptions = {} local function isSet( s ) return s and s ~= '' end -- insert a value into a table only if it is set local function tableInsert( tab, value ) if isSet( value ) then table.insert( tab, value ) end end -- value count for any variable local function getCount( tab ) return type( tab ) == 'table' and #tab or 0 end local function getLabelFromTables( id ) local label = hi.dateIds[ id ] if not label and hr.labelTable then label = hr.labelTable[ id ] end return label end -- getting normalized time hh:dd local function getNormalizedTime( s ) local count s, count = mw.ustring.gsub( s, hi.texts.timePattern, '%1:%2' ) return ( count > 0 ) and s or nil end function hr.formatTime( s ) local t = getNormalizedTime( s ) if not t then return s end local formatStr = hi.texts.formatTime t = mw.text.split( t, ':', true ) if #t == 1 then t[ 2 ] = '00' end if hi.options.hour12 then local isAM = true local n = tonumber( t[ 1 ] ) if n > 12 then isAM = false t[ 1 ] = '' .. ( n - 12 ) end formatStr = isAM and hi.texts.formatAM or hi.texts.formatPM end s = mw.ustring.format( formatStr, mw.text.trim( t[ 1 ] ), mw.text.trim( t[ 2 ] ) ) if hi.options.leadingZero then s = s:gsub( '^(%d):', '0%1:' ) else s = s:gsub( '^0(%d):', '%1:' ) end if hi.options.removeZeros then s = s:gsub( '^(%d%d?):00', '%1' ) end return s end -- getting label for a qualifier id -- to save computing time firstly the id will fetched from Hours/i18n table -- if available, otherwise from Wikidata local function getLabelFromId( id, wikilang, fallbackLang ) if not isSet( id ) then return '' end -- from table local label = getLabelFromTables( id ) -- from Wikidata if not label and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( id ) then label = wu.getLabel( id, wikilang ) if not label and isSet( fallbackLang ) then label = wu.getLabel( id, fallbackLang ) if label then categIds.fallbackLabel = '' end end if label then categIds.labelFromWikidata = '' end end -- abbreviate labels if isSet( label ) then for i, abbr in ipairs( hi.abbr ) do label = mw.ustring.gsub( label, abbr.f, abbr.a ) end label = mw.ustring.gsub( label, '', '' ) -- zero-width space end -- additional time formatting if isSet( label ) then if hi.months then for full, short in pairs( hi.months ) do label = mw.ustring.gsub( label, full, short ) end end label = hr.formatTime( label ) end return label or '' end local function abbreviateTimeStr( s, all, pattern, repl ) if not isSet( s ) or not isSet( pattern ) or not repl then return s or '' end if all then s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, pattern, repl ) else local matchPattern = mw.ustring.gsub( pattern, '%(%%d%)', '' ) local first, stop = mw.ustring.find( s, pattern ) if first then local second = mw.ustring.find( s, pattern, stop + 1 ) if second and mw.ustring.match( s, matchPattern ) == mw.ustring.match( s, matchPattern, stop + 1 ) then s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, pattern, repl, 1 ) end end end return s end -- getting time period string -- i: position in from and to arrays -- id: label for P3035 value local function getTimePeriod( from, to, i, id ) local result = '' if id and ( id == getLabelFromTables( hi.times.daily ) or id == getLabelFromTables( hi.times.is24_7 ) ) and from and to and from[ i ] == getLabelFromTables( hi.times.Jan1 ) and to[ i ] == getLabelFromTables( hi.times.Dec31 ) then return '' end if from and isSet( from[ i ] ) and to and isSet( to[ i ] ) then result = mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.fromTo, from[ i ], to[ i ] ) if isSet( hi.texts.hourPattern ) then result = abbreviateTimeStr( result, hi.texts.hourReplAll, hi.texts.hourPattern, hi.texts.hourRepl ) end elseif from and isSet( from[ i ] ) then result = mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.from, from[ i ] ) elseif to and isSet( to[ i ] ) then result = mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.to, to[ i ] ) end return result end -- collecting all maintenance categories function hr.getCategories( formatStr ) local result = wu.getCategories( formatStr ) for k, v in pairs( categIds ) do result = result .. ( hi.categories[ k ] or hi.categories.unknownError ) end if showOptions.demo then -- remove category links result = result:gsub( '%[%[[^%[]*%]%]', '' ) end return result end -- getting a string with listed days at which an establishment is closed local function getClosed( arr ) return ( arr and #arr > 0 ) and mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.closed or '%s', table.concat( arr, hi.texts.separator ) ) or '' end -- converting day range from Mo, Tu, We to Mo–We, and so on local function getRange( arr, minPos, maxPos ) if maxPos > 0 and minPos > 0 and maxPos > minPos then arr[ minPos ] = mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.fromTo, arr[ minPos ], arr[ maxPos ] ) for i = maxPos, minPos + 1, -1 do table.remove( arr, i ) end end end -- looking for day ranges like Mo, Tu, We and so on and converting them local function convertDayRange( arr ) local count = #arr local minPos = 0 local maxPos = 0 local value, valueMin while count > 0 do value = hi.weekdays[ arr[ count ] ] if not value then getRange( arr, minPos, maxPos ) maxPos = 0 elseif maxPos == 0 then maxPos = count valueMin = value elseif maxPos > 0 and value == valueMin - 1 then minPos = count valueMin = value else getRange( arr, minPos, maxPos ) maxPos = 0 end count = count - 1 end getRange( arr, minPos, maxPos ) end -- concating non-empty strings local function concatStrings( sep, str1, str2 ) local tab = {} tableInsert( tab, str1 ) tableInsert( tab, str2 ) return table.concat( tab, sep ) end -- add comment if not yet exists local function addComment( tab, value ) if not isSet( value ) then return elseif #tab == 0 then table.insert( tab, value ) else for i = 1, #tab, 1 do if tab[ i ] == value then break end if i == #tab then table.insert( tab, value ) end end end end -- main function for usage in Lua modules -- entity: entity id or entity table -- wikilang: content language of the wiki -- fallbackLang: optional additional language for fallback -- formatStr: optional format string for property categories -- show: table of show options (addCategories, msg, nomsg) or nil -- lastedit: dat of last edit. If false no date will be fetched -- labelTabel: additional table with Q-id label pairs function hr.getHoursFromWikidata( entity, wikilang, fallbackLang, formatStr, show, lastEdit, labelTable ) -- collecting days at which an establishment is closed local closeDays = {} local closeDaysHelper = {} local function mergeDays( days ) if not days or #days == 0 then return end for i, day in ipairs( days ) do if not closeDaysHelper[ day ] then table.insert( closeDays, day ) closeDaysHelper[ day ] = '' end end end local function clearDays() closeDays = {} closeDaysHelper = {} end -- adding additional properties if an additional Q-id table is given hr.labelTable = labelTable -- preparing show options showOptions = show or {} showOptions.addCategories = hi.options.addCategories if showOptions.msg then showOptions.addCategories = true elseif showOptions.nomsg then showOptions.addCategories = false end -- format string for property categories if not isSet( formatStr ) then formatStr = hi.categories.properties end -- 1st step: getting statements for P3025: open days local statements = wu.getValuesWithQualifiers( entity, hi.wd.opened, nil, hi.wd.all, hi.wd.retrieved, nil, getLabelFromId, wikilang, fallbackLang ) lastEdit = wu.getLastedit( lastEdit, statements ) -- converting statements to human-readable strings local result = {} local comments, s local is24_7 = getLabelFromTables( hi.times.is24_7 ) for i, statement in ipairs( statements ) do -- opening times local times = {} local count = math.max( getCount( statement[ hi.wd.hourOpen ] ), getCount( statement[ hi.wd.hourClosed ] ) ) if count > 0 then for j = 1, count, 1 do s = getTimePeriod( statement[ hi.wd.hourOpen ], statement[ hi.wd.hourClosed ], j ) if isSet( s ) then table.insert( times, s ) elseif statement.value ~= is24_7 then categIds.withoutTime = '' end end elseif statement.value ~= is24_7 then categIds.withoutTime = '' end s = table.concat( times, hi.texts.separator ) -- comments comments = {} count = math.max( getCount( statement[ hi.wd.dayOpen ] ), getCount( statement[ hi.wd.dayClosed ] ) ) for j = 1, count, 1 do addComment( comments, getTimePeriod( statement[ hi.wd.dayOpen ], statement[ hi.wd.dayClosed ], j, statement.value ) ) end for j, key in ipairs( hi.wd.comments ) do if statement[ key ] then addComment( comments, table.concat( statement[ key ], hi.texts.separator ) ) end end -- concating times and comments times = {} tableInsert( times, s ) s = table.concat( comments, hi.texts.separator ) if isSet( s ) then table.insert( times, mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.comment, s ) ) end local item = {} tableInsert( item, table.concat( times, hi.texts.joiner ) ) -- close statements (P3026) as qualifiers for open days property (P3025) mergeDays( statement[ hi.wd.closed ] ) if not hi.options.clusterClosed and ( i == #statements or statements[ i ].value ~= statements[ i + 1 ].value ) then convertDayRange( closeDays ) tableInsert( item, getClosed( closeDays ) ) clearDays() end s = table.concat( item, hi.texts.separator ) -- copying each statement to result table if statement.sort2 == 1 then tableInsert( result, { value = { statement.value }, times = s } ) elseif s ~= '' then result[ #result ].times = concatStrings( hi.texts.separator, result[ #result ].times, s ) end end -- checking for duplicates for i = #result, 2, -1 do if result[ i ].times == result[ i - 1 ].times then for j, value in ipairs( result[ i ].value ) do table.insert( result[ i - 1 ].value, value ) end table.remove( result, i ) end end -- converting day range for i = 1, #result, 1 do local arr = result[ i ].value convertDayRange( arr ) result[ i ] = concatStrings( hi.texts.joiner, table.concat( arr, hi.texts.separator ), result[ i ].times ) end -- 2nd step: getting separated close statements (P3026) local statements = wu.getValuesWithQualifiers( entity, hi.wd.closed, nil, hi.wd.commentsForClosed, hi.wd.retrieved, nil, getLabelFromId, wikilang, fallbackLang ) if #statements > 0 then lastEdit = wu.getLastedit( lastEdit, statements ) -- getting closed values local closed = {} for i, statement in ipairs( statements ) do local closedDate = {} table.insert( closedDate, statement.value ) -- getting comments comments = {} for j, key in ipairs( hi.wd.commentsForClosed ) do if statement[ key ] then addComment( comments, table.concat( statement[ key ], hi.texts.separator ) ) end end s = table.concat( comments, hi.texts.separator ) if isSet( s ) then table.insert( closedDate, mw.ustring.format( hi.texts.comment, s ) ) end table.insert( closed, table.concat( closedDate, hi.texts.joiner ) ) end mergeDays( closed ) end convertDayRange( closeDays ) tableInsert( result, getClosed( closeDays ) ) -- 3rd step: adding additional statements local statements = wu.getValuesWithQualifiers( entity, hi.wd.stateOfUse, nil, {}, hi.wd.retrieved, nil, getLabelFromId, wikilang, fallbackLang ) if #statements > 0 then lastEdit = wu.getLastedit( lastEdit, statements ) for i, statement in ipairs( statements ) do tableInsert( result, statement.value ) end end -- merging all statements local result = table.concat( result, hi.texts.delimiter ) -- adding maintenance categories if result ~= '' then categIds.fromWikidata = '' if showOptions.addCategories then result = result .. hr.getCategories( formatStr ) end end return result, lastEdit end -- invoke helper functions -- splitting show parameters local function splitAndCheck( s ) local arr = {} local err = {} if isSet( s ) then for i, v in ipairs( mw.text.split( s, ',', true ) ) do v = mw.text.trim( v ) if not hi.show[ v ] then table.insert( err, v ) else arr[ v ] = '' end end end return arr, err end -- check if pareameters are valid local function checkParameters( args ) local err = {} if not args and type( args ) ~= 'table' then return err end for k, v in pairs( args ) do if not hi.params[ k ] then table.insert( err, k ) end end return err end -- formating and concating error strings local function getErrorStr( arr, formatStr ) return #arr == 0 and '' or mw.ustring.format( formatStr, table.concat( arr, ', ' ) ) end -- main function for template #invoke calls -- id: Q id of an establishment -- format: output format like 'opened at %s' -- fallback: fallback language if labels are not available in content language function hr.getHours( frame ) local args = frame.args args.id = mw.text.trim( args.id or '' ) if not isSet( args.id ) or not mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( args.id ) then return hi.categories.invalidId end if not isSet( args.format ) then args.format = hi.texts.format else local s, count = args.format:gsub( '%%s', '%%s' ) if count ~= 1 then args.format = hi.texts.format end end args.fallback = args.fallback or '' local wikilang = mw.getContentLanguage():getCode() local paramErr = checkParameters( args ) local show, showErr = splitAndCheck( args.show ) local result, lastEdit = hr.getHoursFromWikidata( args.id, wikilang, args.fallback, '', show, false, nil ) if result ~= '' then result = mw.ustring.format( args.format, result ) end return result .. getErrorStr( paramErr, hi.categories.unknownParams ) .. getErrorStr( showErr, hi.categories.unknownShowOptions ) end return hr