Vorlage:Pagelinks: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Leading colon not needed for talk page links (trying to reduce template argument sizes for pages that use this a lot)
K (revert to go with reversion to Template:Lx)
K (Leading colon not needed for talk page links (trying to reduce template argument sizes for pages that use this a lot))
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
|<!-- Links for subject page -->{{lx|1={{#if:{{NAMESPACE:{{{1}}}}}|:{{NAMESPACE:{{{1}}}}}:}}|2={{PAGENAME:{{{1}}}}}|3={{TALKSPACE:{{{1}}}}}|4=talk}}
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|<!-- Links for talk page -->{{lx|1={{NAMESPACE:{{{1}}}}}:|2={{PAGENAME:{{{1}}}}}|3=:{{SUBJECTSPACE:{{{1}}}}}|4=subject}}
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