Vorlage:News Source/ucauthor/doc

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< Vorlage:News Source‎ | ucauthor
Version vom 27. Januar 2023, 03:42 Uhr von Xineohp1506 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Xineohp1506 verschob die Seite Vorlage:Source/ucauthor/doc nach Vorlage:News Source/ucauthor/doc)
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This template takes an author name presumed to be problematically in ALL CAPS, and checks it against a list of recognized initialisms and acronyms. If it is on the list, it is returned as-is, otherwise all but the first letter are converted to lower case.

Note this is not, in the long term, expected to be high-use; it is used far less than its parent template {{Source}}, and unlike its parent template, the number of pages that use it should subside over time. So adding initialisms/acronyms to the list will not cause nearly as much server load as would edits to the parent.


The one parameter is {{{author}}}, which is required.

Avoiding this template

Although newbies needn't be trouted for causing {{source}} to call this template, most or all such calls should eventually be eliminated.

  • A personal name in all caps can simply be corrected to mixed case.
  • An initialism or acronym can usually appropriately be wikilinked. Wikilinking with {{w}} will prevent it from being sent here. Wikilinking with wiki markup using a mixed-case target will also prevent it from being sent here.

See also