Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Sidebar/doc erstellt werden
-- -- This module implements {{Sidebar}} -- require('Module:No globals') local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:Sidebar/configuration') local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs --[[ Categorizes calling templates and modules with a 'style' parameter of any sort for tracking to convert to TemplateStyles. TODO after a long cleanup: Catch sidebars in other namespaces than Template and Module. TODO would probably want to remove /log and /archive as CS1 does ]] local function categorizeTemplatesWithInlineStyles(args) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if title.namespace ~= 10 and title.namespace ~= 828 then return '' end for _, pattern in ipairs (cfg.i18n.pattern.uncategorized_conversion_titles) do if title.text:match(pattern) then return '' end end for key, _ in pairs(args) do if mw.ustring.find(key, cfg.i18n.pattern.style_conversion) or key == 'width' then return cfg.i18n.category.conversion end end end --[[ For compatibility with the original {{sidebar with collapsible lists}} implementation, which passed some parameters through {{#if}} to trim their whitespace. This also triggered the automatic newline behavior. ]] -- See ([[meta:Help:Newlines and spaces#Automatic newline]]) local function trimAndAddAutomaticNewline(s) s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") if mw.ustring.find(s, '^[#*:;]') or mw.ustring.find(s, '^{|') then return '\n' .. s else return s end end --[[ Finds whether a sidebar has a subgroup sidebar. TODO: Remove support for legacy class name ]] local function hasSubgroup(s) if mw.ustring.find(s, cfg.i18n.pattern.subgroup) or mw.ustring.find(s, 'vertical%-navbox%-subgroup') then return true else return false end end --[[ Main sidebar function. Takes the frame, args, and an optional collapsibleClass. The collapsibleClass is and should be used only for sidebars with collapsible lists, as in p.collapsible. ]] function p.sidebar(frame, args, collapsibleClass) if not args then args = getArgs(frame) end local root = mw.html.create() local child = args.child and mw.text.trim(args.child) == cfg.i18n.child_yes root = root:tag('table') if not child then root :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.sidebar) -- force collapsibleclass to be sidebar-collapse otherwise output nothing :addClass(collapsibleClass == cfg.i18n.class.collapse and cfg.i18n.class.collapse or nil) :addClass('vertical-navbox') -- legacy class, TODO: Remove after migrating users :addClass('nomobile') :addClass(args.float == cfg.i18n.float_none and cfg.i18n.class.float_none or nil) :addClass(args.float == cfg.i18n.float_left and cfg.i18n.class.float_left or nil) :addClass(args.wraplinks == cfg.i18n.wrap_true and cfg.i18n.class.wraplinks or nil) :addClass(args.bodyclass or args.class) :css('width', args.width or nil) :cssText(args.bodystyle or if args.outertitle then root :tag('caption') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.outer_title) :addClass(args.outertitleclass) :cssText(args.outertitlestyle) :wikitext(args.outertitle) end if args.topimage then local imageCell = root:tag('tr'):tag('td') imageCell :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.top_image) :addClass(args.topimageclass) :cssText(args.topimagestyle) :wikitext(args.topimage) if args.topcaption then imageCell :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.top_caption) :cssText(args.topcaptionstyle) :wikitext(args.topcaption) end end if args.pretitle then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(args.topimage and cfg.i18n.class.pretitle_with_top_image or cfg.i18n.class.pretitle) :addClass(args.pretitleclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.pretitlestyle) :wikitext(args.pretitle) end else root :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.subgroup) :addClass(args.bodyclass or args.class) :cssText(args.bodystyle or end if args.title then if child then root :wikitext(args.title) else root :tag('tr') :tag('th') :addClass(args.pretitle and cfg.i18n.class.title_with_pretitle or cfg.i18n.class.title) :addClass(args.titleclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.titlestyle) :wikitext(args.title) end end if args.image then local imageCell = root:tag('tr'):tag('td') imageCell :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.image) :addClass(args.imageclass) :cssText(args.imagestyle) :wikitext(args.image) if args.caption then imageCell :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.caption) :cssText(args.captionstyle) :wikitext(args.caption) end end if args.above then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.above) :addClass(args.aboveclass) :cssText(args.abovestyle) :newline() -- newline required for bullet-points to work :wikitext(args.above) end local rowNums = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do k = '' .. k local num = k:match('^heading(%d+)$') or k:match('^content(%d+)$') if num then table.insert(rowNums, tonumber(num)) end end table.sort(rowNums) -- remove duplicates from the list (e.g. 3 will be duplicated if both heading3 -- and content3 are specified) for i = #rowNums, 1, -1 do if rowNums[i] == rowNums[i - 1] then table.remove(rowNums, i) end end for i, num in ipairs(rowNums) do local heading = args['heading' .. num] if heading then root :tag('tr') :tag('th') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.heading) :addClass(args.headingclass) :addClass(args['heading' .. num .. 'class']) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.headingstyle) :cssText(args['heading' .. num .. 'style']) :newline() :wikitext(heading) end local content = args['content' .. num] if content then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(hasSubgroup(content) and cfg.i18n.class.content_with_subgroup or cfg.i18n.class.content) :addClass(args.contentclass) :addClass(args['content' .. num .. 'class']) :cssText(args.contentstyle) :cssText(args['content' .. num .. 'style']) :newline() :wikitext(content) :done() -- Without a linebreak after the </td>, a nested list like -- "* {{hlist| ...}}" doesn't parse correctly. :newline() end end if args.below then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.below) :addClass(args.belowclass) :cssText(args.belowstyle) :newline() :wikitext(args.below) end if not child then if args.navbar ~= cfg.i18n.navbar_none and args.navbar ~= cfg.i18n.navbar_off and ( or frame:getParent():getTitle():gsub(cfg.i18n.pattern.sandbox, '') ~= cfg.i18n.title_not_to_add_navbar) then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.navbar) :cssText(args.navbarstyle) :wikitext(require('Module:Navbar')._navbar{, mini = 1, fontstyle = args.navbarfontstyle }) end end local sidebar_templatestyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = cfg.i18n.templatestyles } } local templatestyles = '' if args['templatestyles'] and args['templatestyles'] ~= '' then child_templatestyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = args['templatestyles'] } } end local child_templatestyles = '' if args['child templatestyles'] and args['child templatestyles'] ~= '' then child_templatestyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = args['child templatestyles'] } } end local grandchild_templatestyles = '' if args['grandchild templatestyles'] and args['grandchild templatestyles'] ~= '' then grandchild_templatestyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = args['grandchild templatestyles'] } } end return table.concat({ sidebar_templatestyles, templatestyles, child_templatestyles, grandchild_templatestyles, tostring(root), (child and cfg.i18n.category.child or ''), categorizeTemplatesWithInlineStyles(args) }) end --[[ Main entry point for sidebar with collapsible lists. Does the work of creating the collapsible lists themselves and including them into the args. ]] function p.collapsible(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) if not and frame:getParent():getTitle():gsub(cfg.i18n.pattern.collapse_sandbox, '') == cfg.i18n.collapse_title_not_to_add_navbar then args.navbar = cfg.i18n.navbar_none end local contentArgs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do local num = string.match(k, '^list(%d+)$') if num then local expand = args.expanded and (args.expanded == 'all' or args.expanded == args['list' .. num .. 'name']) local row = mw.html.create('div') row :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list) :addClass('mw-collapsible') :addClass((not expand) and 'mw-collapsed' or nil) :addClass(args['list' .. num .. 'class']) :cssText(args.listframestyle) :cssText(args['list' .. num .. 'framestyle']) :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list_title) -- don't /need/ a listnumtitleclass because you can do -- .templateclass .listnumclass .sidebar-list-title :addClass(args.listtitleclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.listtitlestyle) :cssText(args['list' .. num .. 'titlestyle']) :wikitext(trimAndAddAutomaticNewline(args['list' .. num .. 'title'] or cfg.i18n.default_list_title)) :done() :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list_content) :addClass('mw-collapsible-content') -- don't /need/ a listnumstyleclass because you can do -- .templatename .listnumclass .sidebar-list :addClass(args.listclass) :cssText(args.liststyle) :cssText(args['list' .. num .. 'style']) :wikitext(trimAndAddAutomaticNewline(args['list' .. num])) contentArgs['content' .. num] = tostring(row) end end for k, v in pairs(contentArgs) do args[k] = v end return p.sidebar(frame, args, cfg.i18n.class.collapse) end return p