
Aus skandinavien-wiki.net


Tired of sending a tweet in Twitter and posting a message on their talk page to tell them you've sent them a tweet? If you are, then use this template to notify tweet recipients instead.

The template does not require substitution, unless "sig=yes" is used (this automatically signs the message).


Any of the following:

Input Result Note

Missing name parameter.
Missing username parameter.
Invalid date parameter.
Missing text parameter.
date parameter should be reformatted to look like:
1 Jan 1970 or Jan 1, 1970
or removed.
reference or ID parameter required.




Missing name parameter.
Missing username parameter.
Invalid date parameter.
Missing text parameter.
date parameter should be reformatted to look like:
1 Jan 1970 or Jan 1, 1970
or removed.
reference or ID parameter required.



~~~~ will be replaced by your actual signature and timestamp.

Missing name parameter.
Missing username parameter.
Invalid date parameter.
Missing text parameter.
date parameter should be reformatted to look like:
1 Jan 1970 or Jan 1, 1970
or removed.
reference or ID parameter required.



~~~~ will be replaced by your actual signature and timestamp (for those who already have dashes or other separators in their custom sigs).

Missing name parameter.
Missing username parameter.
Invalid date parameter.
Missing text parameter.
date parameter should be reformatted to look like:
1 Jan 1970 or Jan 1, 1970
or removed.
reference or ID parameter required.



~~~~~ will be replaced by your actual timestamp.

See also

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 @{{{username}}}. "{{{text}}}" (Tweet) – via Twitter. Missing or empty |number= (help)