Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Vorlage:LuaModuleDoc/doc erstellt werden
local LuaModuleDoc = { suite = "LuaModuleDoc", serial = "2022-04-22", item = 12981914, frame = false, ns = -9999, -- current namespace number nsDocs = -99999, -- central documentation namespace number title = false, -- current page Title object transl = false } --[=[ Support {{LuaModuleDoc}} * nav() * failsafe() ]=] local Failsafe = LuaModuleDoc local function fetch( arg, assign ) -- Retrieve template argument -- Precondition: -- arg -- string or number; argument identifier -- assign -- any, optional; default value -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.frame local r = LuaModuleDoc.frame.args[ arg ] if type( r ) ~= "string" then if assign == nil then r = "{{{<" .. arg .. ">}}}" else r = assign end end return r end -- fetch() local function catIfDefined( slot ) -- Categorize if category defined -- slot -- string; Config entry -- Return: -- string or false: categorization, if any -- Uses: -- mw.title.makeTitle() local s = fetch( slot, "" ) local r if #s > 0 then local t = mw.title.makeTitle( "Category", s ) if t.exists then r = string.format( "[[%s]]", t.prefixedText ) end end return r end -- catIfDefined() local function createPage( swift, sub, start, ns, script ) -- Create button for page creation -- swift -- string; -- "NoPageCentral", "NoTalkCentral", "NoTalkRedir" -- sub -- string; page name to be created -- start -- string; defined pageDocRoot argument -- ns -- number; namespace -- script -- string; module name (main) -- Return: -- string -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.frame -- fetch() -- MediaWiki:Move-leave-redirect Weiterleitung erstellen -- MediaWiki:autosumm-new Seite wurde neu angelegt: „$1“ local setup = "preload" .. swift:sub( 7 ) local r setup = fetch( setup ) if setup then local create = { action = "edit", preload = setup, redlink = "1" } local button, path, show, story, summary if swift == "NoTalkRedir" then show = "move-leave-redirect" story = string.format( "%s/%s", start, script ) story = mw.title.makeTitle( ns, story ).prefixedText story = string.format( "[[%s]]", story ) summary = "#redirect " .. story else local s = fetch( "langsRequest", false ) show = "recreate" if s then s = mw.text.trim( s ) if s ~= "" then s = "|" .. s end end story = ( s or "" ) summary = "{{LuaModuleDoc}}" end -- summary = "autosumm-new" ):params( summary ) create.summary = summary create.preloadtitle = summary if story then create[ "preloadparams[]" ] = story end path = { sub, mw.uri.buildQueryString( create ) } r = LuaModuleDoc.frame:callParserFunction( "fullurl", path ) show = show ):plain() button = mw.title.makeTitle(, "MediaWiki-Button" ) if button.exists then button = { template = button.text, Typ = "progressive", ["Groß"] = "1", Link = r, Text = show } r = LuaModuleDoc.frame:expandTemplate{ title = button.template, args = button } else r = string.format( "<br>[%s '''%s''']", r, show ) end end return r or "" end -- createPage() local function globalRepos( script ) -- Check for global dissemination -- script -- string; module name (main) -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.title -- > LuaModuleDoc.frame -- fetch() -- mw.wikibase.getEntity() -- mw.title.makeTitle() -- Return: -- string local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity() local r if type( entity ) == "table" then local mode = 0 local repo = entity:formatPropertyValues( "P1324" ) local params, s if type( repo ) == "table" and type( repo.value ) == "string" and repo.value:find( "//" ) then local t = mw.text.split( repo.value, ",%s+" ) if #t > 1 then for i = 1, #t do if t[ i ]:find(, 1, true ) then s = t[ i ] break -- for i end end -- for i if not s then s = t[ 1 ] end else s = repo.value end repo = s ) if type( repo.path ) == "string" and repo.path:match( "^/wiki/" ) then local space space, s = repo.path:sub( 7 ):match( "^([^:]+):(.+)$" ) if space and[ space ] then t = mw.title.makeTitle( space, s ) s = "//" .. if mw.title.equals( LuaModuleDoc.title, t ) and s, 1, true ) then mode = 2 else mode = 1 end end end s = fetch( "templateGlobal", "" ) if #s > 0 then local l, bib = pcall( require, LuaModuleDoc.title.prefixedText ) local vsn = entity:formatPropertyValues( "P348" ) params = { } if mode < 2 then params[ 1 ] = string.format( "[%s %s]", tostring( repo ), ) end if type( vsn ) == "table" and type( vsn.value) == "string" and vsn.value ~= "" then params.version = vsn.value end if type( bib ) == "table" then local serial if bib.failsafe then if type( bib.failsafe ) == "function" then serial = bib.failsafe( { args = { } } ) else serial = bib.failsafe end elseif bib[ "#serial"] then serial = bib[ "#serial"] end if type( serial ) == "number" then serial = string.format( "%d", serial ) end if type( serial ) == "string" then = serial end end if fetch( "forkedGlobal", "0" ) ~= "1" and params.version and and params.version ~= then params.update = "1" end r = LuaModuleDoc.frame:expandTemplate{ title=s, args=params } end end s = fetch( "categoryWikiData", "" ) if #s > 0 then local slot if mode > 0 then if mode == 2 then slot = catIfDefined( "categoryWikiDataParent" ) else slot = catIfDefined( "categoryWikiDataChild" ) end end if not slot then slot = catIfDefined( s ) end if slot then if r then r = r .. slot else r = slot end if params and params.update then slot = catIfDefined( "categoryWikiDataReplication" ) if slot then r = r .. slot end end end end end return r or "" end -- globalRepos() local function navDevelop( start, script ) -- Most interesting test and development page -- Precondition: -- start -- string; central documentation root -- script -- string; basic module name -- Return: -- string or false: full page name, if any -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs -- mw.title.makeTitle() local n = LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs local r = false local sub = "/" .. fetch( "subTest", "Test" ) local s = string.format( "%s/%s%s", start, script, sub ) local t = mw.title.makeTitle( n, s ) if not t.exists then local low = false local subLow = mw.ustring.lower( sub ) if subLow ~= sub then s = string.format( "%s/%s%s", start, script, subLow ) t = mw.title.makeTitle( n, s ) low = t.exists end if not low then n = s = string.format( "%s/%s", script, sub ) t = mw.title.makeTitle( n, s ) if not t.exists and subLow ~= sub then s = script .. subLow t = mw.title.makeTitle( n, s ) t = t.exists end end end if t then r = string.format( "%s:%s",[ n ].name, s ) end return r end -- navDevelop() local function navError( say, specific ) -- Return error message, evaluate page .pageErr -- Precondition: -- say -- string; message key -- specific -- string, optional; additional information -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.frame -- fetch() local show = fetch( "pageErr" ) local r if type( show ) == "string" then local pars = { say } if type( specific ) == "string" then table.insert( pars, specific ) end r = LuaModuleDoc.frame:expandTemplate{ title = show, args = pars } else local e = mw.html.create( "span" ) :attr( "class", "error" ) :wikitext( error( "arg 'pageErr' missing", 3 ) ) r = tostring( e ) end return r end -- navError() local function navLang( suite, collect, lazy ) -- Append languages from string to collection -- Precondition: -- suite -- string; space separated source -- collect -- table; to be extended -- every element: { langCode, lazy } -- lazy -- true if only existing page is to be linked if type( suite ) == "string" then local raw = mw.text.split( suite, "%s+" ) local e, i, j, s for i = 1, #raw do s = raw[ i ] if #s > 1 then for j = 1, #collect do if s then e = collect[ j ] if e[ 1 ] == s then s = false if not lazy then e[ 2 ] = false end end end end -- for j if s then table.insert( collect, { s, lazy } ) end end end -- for i end end -- navLang() local function navLangs( start, script ) -- Analyze languages -- Precondition: -- current page is supposed to transclude LuaModuleDoc -- start -- string; central documentation root -- script -- string; basic module name -- Postcondition: -- LuaModuleDoc.transl is set up as table: -- args for navigation template -- [1] basic module name -- [2] number of language codes + 1 -- [3] first language code -- [4] second language code -- ... list of further language codes -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs -- < LuaModuleDoc.transl -- fetch() -- navLang() -- mw.title.makeTitle() local e, i, s, t local specified = fetch( "langsRequest", false ) local super = start .. "/" .. script .. "/" LuaModuleDoc.transl = { } if type( specified ) == "string" then if specified:match( "^%s*$" ) then specified = false end end navLang( fetch( "langsDefault" ), LuaModuleDoc.transl, specified ) navLang( fetch( "langsMore" ), LuaModuleDoc.transl, true ) navLang( specified, LuaModuleDoc.transl, false ) if #LuaModuleDoc.transl < 1 then LuaModuleDoc.transl = { { "en", false } } end for i = #LuaModuleDoc.transl, 1, -1 do e = LuaModuleDoc.transl[ i ] s = e[ 1 ] if e[ 2 ] then t = mw.title.makeTitle( LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs, super .. s ) if not t.exists then s = false end end if s then LuaModuleDoc.transl[ i ] = s else table.remove( LuaModuleDoc.transl, i ) end end -- for i -1 table.insert( LuaModuleDoc.transl, 1, script ) table.insert( LuaModuleDoc.transl, 2, tostring( #LuaModuleDoc.transl ) ) end -- navLangs() local function navMerge( start, swift, script, sub, lead ) -- Include various external content into page -- Precondition: -- start -- string; defined pageDocRoot argument -- swift -- string; defined pageNav argument -- script -- string; module name (main) -- sub -- string or false; possible sub-module name -- lead -- true: Module: namespace; false: text namespace -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.transl -- > LuaModuleDoc.ns -- > LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs -- > LuaModuleDoc.title -- > LuaModuleDoc.frame -- navError() -- mw.title.makeTitle() -- createPage() -- fetch() local server = local super = false local t = navDevelop( start, script ) local collect, low, r, s collect = LuaModuleDoc.transl if t then collect.Test = t end if LuaModuleDoc.ns == LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs then s = string.format( "%s/%s", start, script ) if LuaModuleDoc.title.text == s then super = LuaModuleDoc.title.text .. "/" elseif sub then collect.subDoc = sub collect.subModule = sub s = string.format( "%s/%s/%s", start, script, sub ) if LuaModuleDoc.title.text == s then s = string.format( "%s/%s", s, collect[ 3 ] ) t = mw.title.makeTitle( LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs, s ) if t.exists then super = LuaModuleDoc.title.text .. "/" end end end elseif lead and sub then s = string.format( "%s/%s/%s", start, script, sub ) t = mw.title.makeTitle( LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs, s ) if t.exists then collect.subDoc = sub end end if server:match( "$" ) then local slang, series = server:match( "//(%l+)%.(%l+)%." ) low = true if series == "wikipedia" then if slang == "de" then collect.BETA = "w:de:" --Talk end end end r = LuaModuleDoc.frame:expandTemplate{ title = swift, args = collect } if not low then t = LuaModuleDoc.title.talkPageTitle if LuaModuleDoc.ns == then local doc s = string.format( "%s/%s", start, script ) doc = mw.title.makeTitle( LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs, s ) if not doc.exists then r = r .. createPage( "NoPageCentral", doc.prefixedText, start, LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs, script ) t = false end end if t and not t.exists then if super then s = "NoTalkCentral" elseif LuaModuleDoc.ns == LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs + 1 then s = false else s = "NoTalkRedir" end if s then r = string.format( "%s%s%s", r, navError( s ), createPage( s, t.prefixedText, start, LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs + 1, script ) ) end end end if super then local d = "{{%s*[lL]uaModuleDoc[^}]*}}%s*" local p1 = "^%s*" .. d .. "<onlyinclude>" local p2 = "%s*<noinclude>" .. d .. "</noinclude>" local space, sub, support for i = 3, #collect do t = mw.title.makeTitle( LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs, super .. collect[ i ] ) s = t:getContent() if s then s = s:gsub( p1, "" ):gsub( p2, "" ) if s:match( d ) then r = string.format( "%s<br />%s<br />", r, navError( "BadInclude", t.prefixedText ) ) else r = r .. LuaModuleDoc.frame:expandTemplate{ title = t.prefixedText } break -- for i end end end -- for i s = fetch( "pageTemplateInsert", "" ) space, support = s:match( "^([^:]+):(.+)$" ) if space and mw.title.makeTitle( space, support ).exists then local suppress = fetch( "noHint", "" ) if #suppress == 0 then local swift = collect[ 1 ] if sub then swift = string.format( "%s/%s", swift, sub ) end r = r .. LuaModuleDoc.frame:expandTemplate{ title = s, args = { swift } } end end s = fetch( "categoryDocs", "" ) if #s > 0 then i = mw.title.makeTitle( "Category", s ) if i.exists then r = string.format( "%s[[%s|%s]]", r, i.prefixedText, collect[ 1 ] ) end end r = r .. "__NOEDITSECTION__" end if lead then r = r .. globalRepos( script ) end return r end -- navMerge() local function navPage( lead ) -- Return navigation text; analyze page location -- Precondition: -- current namespace will support LuaModuleDoc -- lead -- true: Module: namespace; false: text namespace -- Uses: -- > LuaModuleDoc.title -- > LuaModuleDoc.transl -- fetch() -- navLangs() -- navMerge() -- navError() local r local start = fetch( "pageDocRoot" ) if type( start ) == "string" then local s = "^" local script if not lead then s = "^" .. start .. "/" end s = s .. "([^/]+)/(.*/?)$" script, s = string.match( LuaModuleDoc.title.text .. "/", s ) if type( script ) == "string" then local sub = false local swift = fetch( "pageNav" ) navLangs( start, script ) if type( s ) == "string" then if #s > 1 then local q s = s:match( "^([^/]+)/.*/?$" ) q = mw.title.makeTitle( "Module", script .. "/" .. s ) if q.exists and q.contentModel == "Scribunto" then sub = s for i = 1, #LuaModuleDoc.transl do if LuaModuleDoc.transl[ i ] == s then sub = false break -- for i end end -- for i end end end if type( swift ) == "string" then r = navMerge( start, swift, script, sub, lead ) else r = navError( "configMissing", "pageNav" ) end else r = navError( "BadPage" ) .. LuaModuleDoc.title.text end else r = navError( "configMissing", "pageDocRoot" ) end return r end -- navPage() local function navigation() -- Start execution; return navigation text; analyze namespace -- Uses: -- < LuaModuleDoc.title -- < LuaModuleDoc.ns -- < LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs -- fetch() -- mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- navPage() -- navError() local r local nsDocs = fetch( "nsDocs" ) if nsDocs then local lead LuaModuleDoc.title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() LuaModuleDoc.ns = LuaModuleDoc.title.namespace lead = ( LuaModuleDoc.ns == ) LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs = tonumber( nsDocs ) if lead or LuaModuleDoc.ns == LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs or LuaModuleDoc.ns == LuaModuleDoc.nsDocs + 1 then r = navPage( lead ) else r = navError( "BadNamespace" ) end else r = navError( "configMissing", "nsDocs" ) end return r end -- navigation() Failsafe.failsafe = function ( atleast ) -- Retrieve versioning and check for compliance -- Precondition: -- atleast -- string, with required version -- or wikidata|item|~|@ or false -- Postcondition: -- Returns string -- with queried version/item, also if problem -- false -- if appropriate -- 2020-08-17 local since = atleast local last = ( since == "~" ) local linked = ( since == "@" ) local link = ( since == "item" ) local r if last or link or linked or since == "wikidata" then local item = Failsafe.item since = false if type( item ) == "number" and item > 0 then local suited = string.format( "Q%d", item ) if link then r = suited else local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( suited ) if type( entity ) == "table" then local seek = Failsafe.serialProperty or "P348" local vsn = entity:formatPropertyValues( seek ) if type( vsn ) == "table" and type( vsn.value ) == "string" and vsn.value ~= "" then if last and vsn.value == Failsafe.serial then r = false elseif linked then if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText == mw.wikibase.getSitelink( suited ) then r = false else r = suited end else r = vsn.value end end end end end end if type( r ) == "nil" then if not since or since <= Failsafe.serial then r = Failsafe.serial else r = false end end return r end -- Failsafe.failsafe() -- Provide template access local p = {} function p.nav( frame ) -- Uses: -- < LuaModuleDoc.frame -- navigation() local lucky, r LuaModuleDoc.frame = frame lucky, r = pcall( navigation ) if not lucky then local e = mw.html.create( "span" ) :attr( "class", "error" ) :wikitext( r ) r = tostring( e ) end return r or "" end p.failsafe = function ( frame ) -- Check or retrieve version information -- Precondition: -- frame -- object; #invoke environment -- Postcondition: -- Return string with error message or "" -- Uses: -- LuaModuleDoc.failsafe() local s = type( frame ) local since if s == "table" then since = frame.args[ 1 ] elseif s == "string" then since = frame end if since then since = mw.text.trim( since ) if since == "" then since = false end end return Failsafe.failsafe( since ) or "" end -- p.failsafe() return p